Learn - Page 1: birds
Tips, Tricks & How-tos
The Christmas Bird Count: hundreds of bird enthusiasts join forces counting winter birds
Read more...Here are our top tips on how to make your garden wildlife-friendly this winter.
Read more...Backyard bird feeding stations provide excellent opportunities to watch and appreciate the amazing complexities of bird behaviour.
Read more...Wet and moldy seeds are not healthy for birds, so keeping them dry, both in storage and when in bird feeders, is important.
Read more...September is a special month of the year because yards and gardens host both migrating and resident birds.
Bird feeding stations will still be visited during the dog days of summer, not only by adult birds but also by young birds, including fledglings and juveniles
Read more...Keep a few clean, well-stocked and well-maintained feeders out this summer to supplement wild bird food options during this busy and beautiful season.
Read more...June in British Columbia is a frenetic time of year for both people and their wild neighbours, with plants bursting forth in all their glory and animals – from reptiles and birds to mammals – busily trying to raise their families. So much growth and new life!
Read more...Hummingbird Season is Here! Learn how to attract these remarkable little birds to your garden with guest contributor,
Myrna Pearman’s article, including a list of their favourite plants.
Find these charming little characters in your BC backyard!
Read more...Keep your eye out for the Spotted Towhee and learn from guest contributor, Myrna Pearman for bird feeding tips for March in BC.
Read more...You can design a bird-friendly garden with just a few additions or changes to any size space.