
June Birding in BC

By Myrna Pearman, Mother Nature’s Naturalist and Backyard Birding Expert

June in British Columbia is a frenetic time of year for both people and their wild neighbours, with plants bursting forth in all their glory and animals – from reptiles and birds to mammals – busily trying to raise their families.  So much growth and new life!

While most of the backyard birds that patronized your feeding stations during the winter and early spring have now switched their attention to insects and nectar, many individuals will still come into a feeding station for a quick snack, especially the finches. Leave out a feeder or two stocked with sunflower chips and finch blends, and if you have a ground-feeding area that is protected from the rain, continue to scatter a bit of millet and some sunflower chips for the Spotted Towhees, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Golden-crowned and Fox Sparrows. These ground- feeding species love to poke around on the ground searching for seed morsels all year-round.

June is the peak month for hummingbirds, so be sure to keep your feeders topped up with fresh sugar water (1 part sugar to 4 parts water).  Since male hummers are so aggressive and the females are raising their families alone, set out at least two feeders that are visually separated. If you see males chasing the females away, set out even more feeders, each as widely spaced as possible.

Now is a good time to check for the last remaining perennials and annuals at local greenhouses. If you find any plants that are good for hummingbirds, set them out in hanging baskets. The hummers will find them in short order!

June is also a great time to get out beyond your own backyard and explore the magic of bird watching. There are so many beautiful parks, natural areas, seawalls and mountain peaks to explore!

If you aren’t comfortable going out on your own, join a local birding group or go on a local nature club outing. The best way to learn about nature, especially birds (and bird books, binoculars etc.), is from experienced naturalists who know their birds by sight/sound. Most naturalists/birders are more than happy to share their knowledge and experience with newcomers.  Check out the BC Nature (bcnature.org) website for a list of local clubs. Additional details about birding in the spring/early summer can be found here: https://bcbirdtrail.ca/field-notes/bc-birding-in-spring/

Have more questions? Visit your local Buckerfield's and we'll be happy to help!

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